Potdoctoral research opportunities
If interested in any of the following opportunities, please contact me in advance of the corresponding deadline so that, if appropriate, I might be able to fully support you in the preparation of your application. Also, for some of the items listed below information may only be available in spanish. Please contact me if you have any question.
For applicants of any nationality
- MSCA Individual European ‘Standard’ Fellowships (for both EU and non-EU nationals, note some mobility restrictions)
- MSCA Individual Global Fellowships (for ‘re-enter phase’ of EU nationals, note some mobility restrictions)
- Juan de la Cierva Fellowship (training) from the Spanish goverment. (1-2 years after PhD)
- Juan de la Cierva Fellowship (incorporation) from the Spanish goverment. (3-5 years after PhD)
- Junior Leader Fellowship (Retaining) from La Caixa. 2-7 years after PhD. Notice some mobility constraints.
- Postdoctoral Fellowships from the regional government, Junta de Andalucia. Information in Spanish. Notice some "exotic" bureaucratic constraints.
- IAU – The Gruber Foundation Fellowship (note that salary support is not included)
For applicants not based in Spain
- JSPS Overseas Research Fellowship (applicants from Japan)
- Canon Foundation Fellowship (applicants from Japan)
- US-Spain Fulbright Fellowship (applicants from United States)
- NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship (applicants from Canada)
- MSCA Individual European ‘Reintegration’ Fellowships (for EU nationals who wish to return to Europe after time spent in a ‘Third Country’)
- NWO Rubicon Fellowship (applicants from The Netherlands)
- SNSF Early Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship (applicants from Switzerland)
For applicants seeking to return from an academic career break or in need of flexible working pattern due to parental and/or caring responsibilities
- MSCA Individual European ‘Career Restart’ Fellowships (applicants of any nationality, note some mobility restrictions)
- JSPS ‘Restart Research Abroad’ Fellowship (applicants from Japan)
For applicants interested in conducting research at the interface with other disciplines (especially mathematical sciences), or, more generally, ‘willing to engage in a dialogue on relevant social, cultural, political or economic issues across the frontiers of their particular discipline’
- MSCA Individual European ‘Society and Enterprise’ Fellowship (applicants of any nationality, note some mobility restrictions)
- Branco Weiss ‘Society in Science’ Fellowship (applicants of any nationality)
For applicants interested in establishing research leadership in the area of astrophysics at the University of Seville, several opportunities are available (e.g., ERC Starting Grant, Ramon y Cajal Fellowships, Beatriz Galindo Fellowships, EMERGIA Fellowships). Please contact me if you are interested to apply to any of these programs.